
I'm thrilled that David asked me to guest blog this week while he's off on his road trip of a lifetime. I greatly admire this site and it's community based approach to photography.
I'm most likely new to a lot of you, so I'll give you a little background on myself, and how I fit into the photography world. I first came to photography at a young age, as my father worked at Kodak after we emigrated to Canada from England. I dabbled in photography growing up, but it wasn't until 8 years ago that I started to take it more seriously.
I'm self taught, so my camera and lighting techniques are all cobbled from a few years of assisting, as well as a lot of trial and error. I specialize in location based portraiture, and some of my clients include Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Esquire, Time, Nike, Coca-Cola, and the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Club.
After reading through the archive here, and pondering an appropriate lighting subject to write about, I realize that all the tools to enable you as a versatile photographer (lighting wise), are all here. So what I'd like to impart to you all is my lighting approach, which has established a somewhat recognizable style to my work, and I think it might offer some of you a next step in your own emerging lighting processes. Read more »
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