Certifiably insane UK shooter Drew Gardner, who has more imagination in his left pinky fingernail than I do in my whole body, released a full-length, behind-the-scenes DVD in the UK last month. Thanks to MPEX, it is now available as an import in the USA.
If you are one of those "dream big" type of photographers (or want to see just what it takes to make these kinds of shots) hit the jump for more info -- including a trailer.
Long story short, it is a soup-to-nuts look at two fairly complex shoots in his forest fashion/fantasy series. This is big-light stuff (Elinchrom Rangers) on medium format digital.
Here is a short promo clip:
The first of the two shoots on the video are the badger shot excerpted above. The second is a shoot with a model on a water buffalo that resulted in the stunning photo seen on the cover (NSFW-ish) of the DVD.
Nothing is held back. Prep, shooting, lighting, dealing with problems, post production -- it's all there.
FWIW, Drew was teaching a class on the "big idea" kind of shoot last week in Dubai, except for it was scheduled at the same time as a rare, driving rainstorm in the normally arid city.
That did not stop him dragging the 1200 WS (sponsor-owned) Profoto 7B's (along with his mortified class) out into the rain to shoot, either. They drew the short straw on the weather, and ended up airing a montage of rain shots that was the feel-good hit of the closing night slideshow.
Equal parts madness and brilliance -- just like Drew's video. It is available at The Flash Centre in the UK for £20.00, and at MPEX for $24.99, respectively.
NOTE: As mentioned above, the video a bit NSFW-ish with a decent amount of "side nakedness" in the second shoot -- and a few moments of "front nakedness," too. I checked very carefully because I am a thorough kind of guy. The cover photo gives you a good idea of the extent of most of it. And to be clear, Drew remains fully clothed throughout.
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